£10 Million Secured for Borders Railway Extension Feasibility Study

Funding unlocked for Borders Railway extension study, linking Tweedbank to Carlisle via Hawick, boosting connectivity.

£10 Million Secured for Borders Railway Extension Feasibility Study
£10 Million Secured for Borders Railway Extension Feasibility Study

The Scottish and UK governments are making an investment from the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal to help extend the railway line from Tweedbank to Carlisle. A project manager will assess this extension, looking at the benefits and challenges.

Euan Jardine, a Galashiels councillor and leader of the Scottish Borders Council, thanked the Prime Minister and First Minister, calling this a special moment that starts a long process. He is confident about extending the railway to Hawick and Carlisle and thanked both governments for their funding, hoping their support continues as the project moves forward.

Scott Hamilton, a Jedburgh councillor in charge of economic growth, also expressed gratitude to both governments for their funding. Witnessing the letter signing was momentous, and he believes all parties are dedicated. He is thrilled the project is moving and anticipates substantial benefits for residents and others.

The council believes in better connectivity, thinking it will boost the economy. Watson McAteer, a Scottish Borders Council convener, says the council is committed to finishing the railway from Tweedbank to Hawick and Carlisle. The governments agreed to release funding, which he thinks is good news for the Borders area because this Borderlands Deal brings economic benefit and helps Borders residents’ well-being. McAteer feels optimistic about the extension but emphasizes that a strong business case is needed.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.bordertelegraph.com/news/24980887.10m-secured-borders-railway-feasibility-study/?ref=rss
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