A419 Swindon Closed for Roadworks Between Commonhead and White Hart

The A419 is closed for roadworks near Swindon, causing detours and delays until March 10 for essential repairs.

A419 Swindon Closed for Roadworks Between Commonhead and White Hart
A419 Swindon Closed for Roadworks Between Commonhead and White Hart

The A419 closed between Commonhead and White Hart roundabouts. The closure lasted from February 28 to March 3.

The road shut again one week later and will stay closed until March 10, for necessary repairs and upkeep. Drivers must take alternate routes.

Sarah Lewis works for National Highways and said safety is the top priority. She apologized for any trouble, assuring that these repairs secure the A419’s safety and the improvements will help everyone for years.

The A419’s closure affects a large area, requiring drivers to use detours. National Highways said this closure runs for three weekends between Swindon and South Marston.

Workers will resurface the road and replace parapets; concrete will also get repaired. Another closure happens March 28, from Spine Road to Lady Lane.

National Highways is working with councils to lessen the impact, ensuring all detours will have signs. Nearby areas may also experience noise.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/24992292.swindon-traffic-a419-closed-sainsburys-roadworks/?ref=rss
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