A419 Swindon Closed for Weekend: Major Roadworks Planned

A419 near Swindon to close for the weekend for essential maintenance. Plan your journey ahead!

A419 Swindon Closed for Weekend: Major Roadworks Planned
A419 Swindon Closed for Weekend: Major Roadworks Planned

Hey, listen up about the A419 near Swindon! They’re fully closing part of it. This happens between Commonhead and White Hart roundabouts. It starts at 8 PM, February 28, a Friday. The road reopens at 5 AM on Monday, March 3. National Highways alerted drivers to these closures earlier.

The A419 has several overnight closures planned. Also, three full weekend closures will occur. This affects the area between Swindon and South Marston. They’re doing long-term maintenance and repairs. The road shuts again next weekend too, on Friday, March 7, between the same junctions.

Another closure happens later in March, the weekend of Friday, March 28. This impacts Spine Road Junction and Lady Lane Junction. National Highways wants drivers to plan their journeys early.

They need to do concrete repairs on the road. Resurfacing and parapet replacements are also planned. National Highways spoke to local councils about diversions. Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council helped. Diversion routes will have clear signs.

The road work might make noise for nearby people. They scheduled work to minimize disturbance though, planning it for times that are less disruptive. Get details on the project on the National Highways website to find diversion routes and other projects too.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/24973784.a419-swindon-closed-weekend-works/?ref=rss
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