A96 Drainage Repairs Near Westerlea Hotel in Nairn Scheduled Next Week

Drainage work on the A96 in Nairn, near the Westerlea Hotel, begins March 10 to fix a broken pipe and enhance road safety.

A96 Drainage Repairs Near Westerlea Hotel in Nairn Scheduled Next Week
A96 Drainage Repairs Near Westerlea Hotel in Nairn Scheduled Next Week

Hey, guess what I just read? Road work starts next week on the A96 in Nairn. They need to fix a broken pipe.

Amey said the drainage work is near Westerlea Hotel’s entrance. It’s happening Monday, March 10th, through Friday, March 14th. They’re working for Transport Scotland, so it’s official. These repairs will stop flooding. The fixes should make the road safer.

Over 12,700 drivers use it each day! Expect lane closures from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday to Friday. Westbound traffic will go through Inverness Road. Basically, it becomes a one-way street.

You can’t turn right from Beech Avenue onto the A96 Westbound. The A96 eastbound lane stays open at first. They will work on the westbound lane. Think of the bus stop area. Later, they’ll switch traffic.

Eastbound cars then use the westbound side. This is when they fix the eastbound lane. They will also fix the bus stop area. The bus stop is moving to Inverness Road.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/news/drainage-repair-works-on-a96-in-nairn-set-to-start-next-week-376433/
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