Armagh St Patrick Parade Faces Bunting & Toilet Concerns This Year

Concerns arise over lack of Changing Places Toilets and bunting for the St Patrick’s Day parade in Armagh.

Armagh St Patrick Parade Faces Bunting & Toilet Concerns This Year
Armagh St Patrick Parade Faces Bunting & Toilet Concerns This Year

The Armagh St. Patrick’s Day parade faces some concerns. People are talking about the lack of key facilities. A special toilet, called a CPT, is needed. These toilets help people with extra needs. The parade won’t have one this year.

It’s not an event the Council organizes. Many people are not happy about this. They think the Council should provide it. Council policy dictates these toilets for their events. The St. Patrick’s Day parade isn’t one.

A quiet area will be available at the parade. It’s for people with disabilities. It also helps those with sensory sensitivities. This area will sit near the Trian Centre car park. The space will be safely closed off. Music near the area will be softer.

Councillor Julie Flaherty addressed the issue. She supports better CPT facilities. She explained the Council’s policy. It only covers Council events currently.

Hiring a CPT is an option. Groups organizing events can include this in funding requests. Julie understands this is not ideal, but she is working to improve things. The Council knew about the toilet request.

People also noticed the lack of bunting. The Council stopped putting up bunting years ago. This issue dates back to 2012. They debated replacing worn-out bunting. It isn’t clear if they ever did.

The old bunting was found later. The Council decided not to use it. Residents think this makes the city look bad. A spokesperson confirmed this. The Council won’t put up bunting.

Mayor Sarah Duffy welcomed everyone to Armagh. She said Armagh is St. Patrick’s home. She believes the Council should better support celebrations. She will work with the community.

The Mayor and another Councillor will seek improvements. They want to include Council-led events soon. They are aiming for celebrations in future years.

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