Two Ayrshire officers, Lana Grant and Leanne Campbell, won awards for bravery and wellbeing initiatives at Police Scotland.
Two Ayrshire officers, Lana Grant and Leanne Campbell, won awards for bravery and wellbeing initiatives at Police Scotland.

Ayrshire Police Officers Celebrated at Bravery & Excellence Awards
The 2024 awards happened on February 27. It was at Police Scotland Headquarters in Tulliallan. Two Ayrshire officers won awards.
Sergeant Lana Grant got a Bravery Award. There were 33 recipients total. It recognized her actions in Kilmarnock last March.
She learned about a woman needing help outside. The woman climbed a fence, putting her above a thirty-foot drop leading down into a river. Lana climbed over to grab the woman.
She acted without any hesitation, despite the lack of easy spots to reach her. Other officers provided assistance at the scene. Together, they pulled her onto the railing’s base, but the woman then became violent toward them.
Lana and others quickly pulled her to safety, as the dangerous situation demanded speed. A spokesperson said Lana saved the woman’s life. Her actions went far above duty and saved her from deadly peril.
PC Leanne Campbell received a Wellbeing Award. She also won the Chief Constable’s Excellence award in 2024.
Campbell has drive and enthusiasm. She improved the support for returning officers, significantly impacting Ayrshire Division. These officers were coming back from leave.
Leanne focused on maternity and paternity leave, improving related policies and processes based on an identified need. Her “refresh and connect” program helps officers and is tailored to their specific needs.
This ensures a smoother return to duty. A Police Scotland spokesperson gave comments. They said Leanne’s work extended organization-wide and helps officer welfare.
The 2024 awards happened on February 27. It was at Police Scotland Headquarters in Tulliallan. Two Ayrshire officers won awards.
Sergeant Lana Grant got a Bravery Award. There were 33 recipients total. It recognized her actions in Kilmarnock last March.
She learned about a woman needing help outside. The woman climbed a fence, putting her above a thirty-foot drop leading down into a river. Lana climbed over to grab the woman.
She acted without any hesitation, despite the lack of easy spots to reach her. Other officers provided assistance at the scene. Together, they pulled her onto the railing’s base, but the woman then became violent toward them.
Lana and others quickly pulled her to safety, as the dangerous situation demanded speed. A spokesperson said Lana saved the woman’s life. Her actions went far above duty and saved her from deadly peril.
PC Leanne Campbell received a Wellbeing Award. She also won the Chief Constable’s Excellence award in 2024.
Campbell has drive and enthusiasm. She improved the support for returning officers, significantly impacting Ayrshire Division. These officers were coming back from leave.
Leanne focused on maternity and paternity leave, improving related policies and processes based on an identified need. Her “refresh and connect” program helps officers and is tailored to their specific needs.
This ensures a smoother return to duty. A Police Scotland spokesperson gave comments. They said Leanne’s work extended organization-wide and helps officer welfare.