BCP Council Launches Investigation into Inland Homes Deal Fallout

BCP Council investigates the £15 million Inland Homes deal after the Carter’s Quay project stalled. Council seeks lessons learned.

BCP Council Launches Investigation into Inland Homes Deal Fallout
BCP Council Launches Investigation into Inland Homes Deal Fallout

Steve Bartlett asks many questions about Inland Homes. He chairs the overview and scrutiny panel. BCP Council paid Inland Homes £15 million for the Carter’s Quay housing project, which had a total project cost of £43.5 million.

Inland Homes went into administration last October. BCP Council still cannot reclaim the land. Bartlett wants an investigation into the Inland Homes contract and to know what the council can learn to prevent it happening again.

Bartlett asks how the deal began and who initiated the purchase. He questions why BCP Council paid upfront and wants to know about the due diligence. He also asks about FuturePlaces’ role in negotiations and wonders about political pressure on officers.

Janie Berry thinks an investigation is premature. She directs law and governance at BCP Council. The council is talking to administrators now, and specialists protect the council’s interests. Berry does not want to undermine them.

Margaret Phipps thinks a committee can help later, stating they cannot simply ignore this issue. Sara Armstrong wants to prepare for an investigation, making it ready after negotiations end.

Marcus Andrews chairs the committee. He said it is like asking about a fire while burning. They agreed to investigate governance. This probe will focus on Carter’s Quay and look at other regeneration projects, too.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/24971896.bcp-council-probe-went-wrong-inland-homes-deal/?ref=rss
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