Brave Passer-by Snaps Photos, Helps Police Catch Burglar

Quick-thinking witness aids police in arresting Patrick Wall, burglar of Histon and Cambridge homes, after snapping crucial photos.

Brave Passer-by Snaps Photos, Helps Police Catch Burglar
Brave Passer-by Snaps Photos, Helps Police Catch Burglar

A guy named Patrick Wall is now in jail. Someone saw him burgling a house and took pictures. The witness then called the police to report it.

Wall broke into a house on Clay Street in Histon. This happened on September 21st at around 7 PM. He smashed a window to get inside the home and looked around a bedroom inside the house.

Wall left without stealing anything from the house. A person walking by heard the alarm sound. They saw Wall walking down the driveway.

The witness snapped photos of Wall and followed him down Winders Lane as well. He told the police about Wall’s actions over the phone.

Wall drove away in a silver Ford Focus vehicle. Another man was with Wall by the car. This man then walked towards Cottenham Road. The witness wrote down the license plate number of the car.

Police found the car in Harrow, London, two days later. They also found a black jacket in the car which looked like the one Wall wore in the photos.

Police arrested Wall on September 25th at a house in Molewood Close. Wall had also broken into another house on Carisbrooke Road on June 13th and tried to burgle a house on August 8th.

The attempted burglary took place in Camberley, Surrey. Wall was found guilty of burglary, and the court sentenced him on February 19th. His jail term is two years and four months. He admitted to the further charges but received no extra time.

A police officer, PC Andy Smith, spoke about the case. He thanked the person who took the pictures, saying the photos helped convict Wall. He also noted the bravery of the witness.

Smith added that burglary is a terrible crime that makes people feel unsafe in their own homes. He is glad Wall is now in prison.

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