Brit Found Dead at Benidorm Cliff Family Seeks Answers in Holiday Death

A British man was found dead at a cliff base in Benidorm. The family alleges a poor investigation and seeks answers.

Brit Found Dead at Benidorm Cliff Family Seeks Answers in Holiday Death
Brit Found Dead at Benidorm Cliff Family Seeks Answers in Holiday Death

A British man, Nathan Osman, died in Benidorm. He was found at a cliff’s base, and his family feels abandoned, suspecting something criminal happened.

Nathan was thirty years old and a father of four. He died on his first night of a holiday with friends in September.

The family has had to investigate themselves, as police didn’t follow key leads, leaving some questions about his death unanswered. Someone tried using his cards after he died, leading his family to fear that someone else was involved.

Spanish authorities will meet with the family, who are seeking a better investigation into Nathan’s death. His brother and sister will go to Benidorm to directly engage with the police.

Lee, Nathan’s brother, said they were totally abandoned, describing the investigation as nonexistent. Nathan decided to join his friends in Benidorm, arriving and spending time with his group before saying he would walk back to the hotel because he felt tired.

The next morning, he wasn’t in his hotel bed. His body was found later that day at the bottom of a large cliff, an hour from his hotel. An off-duty cop found the body.

Lee believes his brother didn’t go there alone, suspecting someone took him there. The family says someone used his bank cards, a lead that was never followed up by authorities.

His siblings traced his last movements, discovering he was on a video call when his phone died. The family found CCTV footage of Nathan on the promenade, stating that he didn’t seem too drunk. Some businesses denied giving their footage, stating that they needed police requests.

The family feels the police have drawn a blank, yet they still have suspicions and questions. They repeatedly asked for updates but faced silence. Alannah said they got an empty police file indicating that the case was closed.

His parents had to identify his body. Elizabeth said police treated them badly, showing no empathy, and that it’s painful not knowing what happened. His parents are living a nightmare, unable to stop thinking about it.

Jonathan said they did nothing at all and totally disregarded his life. The family thinks going back to Benidorm is crucial and hopes to make some progress in the case.

They want to give police new information and discuss concerns about the investigation. His brother will keep fighting, wanting to know why and how Nathan died. The UK Foreign Office said they are supporting the family and stay in contact with the local authorities.

A Benidorm police report says the case closed.

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