A British man faces a possible death sentence in Bali, Indonesia for alleged drug dealing offenses and MDMA possession.

Parker, age 32, appeared in public Thursday. It was his first appearance since his arrest. He could face a firing squad if convicted, a punishment for serious offenders. He was paraded before the press in Denpasar with his head shaved. He wore an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs along with other drug offenders who were shown too.
Indonesia has strict drug laws and zero tolerance for drug offenses. The death penalty can be used for offenses involving over five grams of drugs. Less than five grams can mean five to fifteen years in jail. Parker was arrested outside an Airbnb on January 21. Police say they saw him acting suspiciously when he got the package from a motorcycle taxi.
Police moved in, and the Brit panicked and ran away. He dropped the package as he fled. They tracked him to 7 Seas Villas where he was arrested and shown the package. Allegedly, he admitted he picked it up and forensic tests showed MDMA inside. Police also showed other evidence in bags, including a mobile phone they found.
Parker is charged with importation, trafficking, and possession. Indonesian law states the death penalty may apply here. He is accused of several drug offenses because the package was well over the five-gram limit. Police took Parker and the evidence for investigation.
Authorities claim Parker is part of an international drug ring based in Hungary. They say his boss ordered him to get the package. Allegedly, he flew from Thailand to Bali to pick up the package containing illegal MDMA. This is considered a crime punishable by death.
He might get a lesser sentence if he helps them find the kingpin who sent the package. International pressure has lessened Indonesia’s death penalty use. The “Bali Nine” were released last December after trying to smuggle heroin in 2005. Parker remains in jail during the investigation.
Last month, other Brits were paraded for cocaine smuggling. They smiled, despite facing the death penalty too.