Buckinghamshire Fly-tipper Dumps Tyres Near Uxbridge Road A412

A man has been sentenced for illegally dumping tires and barrels near A412 Uxbridge Road in Buckinghamshire.

Buckinghamshire Fly-tipper Dumps Tyres Near Uxbridge Road A412
Buckinghamshire Fly-tipper Dumps Tyres Near Uxbridge Road A412

Leroy Bartholomew got caught dumping trash. He had to go to court because of it.

He ditched waste by the A412 Uxbridge Road in Buckinghamshire near Black Park Road. This happened on January 25, 2024, when he dumped four large barrels.

He returned on February 3 and dumped 150 tires at the same spot. The Council’s team saw it, as they often check for illegal dumping.

CCTV footage helped them find him because a camera caught the whole thing. A vehicle stopped in the layby, and someone threw waste into a ditch, then drove away quickly.

The vehicle belonged to Bartholomew, who did not help the investigation at all. Bartholomew, age 60, is from London.

He confessed to two dumping charges, admitting that he broke the law twice, and the court heard all the details. Judge Sharma gave him a sentence that included 120 hours of unpaid work and 8 rehabilitation days.

The sentence is a 12-month community order, given on February 20. He must also pay £1,200 for prosecution costs in payments of £50 each month.

Thomas Broom, a council boss, said the evidence was strong. They prosecuted him despite his lack of cooperation. They want the ruling to deter others.

Judges consider the offense and the person, and then they decide on a fair sentence. Bartholomew must now do community service and think about his actions.

He now has a criminal record because of it. Broom said they won’t tolerate dumping across Buckinghamshire.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.bucksfreepress.co.uk/news/24984757.bucks-fly-tipper-dumped-tyres-barrels-near-a412-uxbridge-road/?ref=rss
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