Bucknell Tax Hike to Fight Puy du Fou Park Plans Near Bicester

Bucknell Parish Council plans to increase local taxes by 75% to oppose Puy du Fou’s park development near Bicester.

Bucknell Tax Hike to Fight Puy du Fou Park Plans Near Bicester
Bucknell Tax Hike to Fight Puy du Fou Park Plans Near Bicester

Puy du Fou wants to build a park near Bicester. The location is near the M40, north of Bucknell. This park would be like their others in France and Spain. It would open from April to October each year.

Four historical villages would be part of it, and visitors could enjoy thirteen live shows. Puy du Fou says they talked to many locals and feel they have support for their plans so far. Some residents, however, strongly disagree.

Bucknell Parish Council wants to fight the park plan and raise money for this purpose. The council plans to increase local taxes. They discussed this at a meeting on January 13.

The draft shows they want a 75% tax hike. This money would oppose the Puy du Fou project. Residents will get details about the tax, and next year, the tax will likely decrease again.

The council says most Bucknell residents oppose the park. People fear disruption during building and operation. The council wants to represent their concerns and use funds to make strong arguments. Bucknell’s council tax has indeed increased.

For example, a Band D property owner pays more this year. The previous rate was £221.68; now it’s £280.03 per year. Puy du Fou says they talk with the Parish Council. They want to work together on the park design. This would reduce any negative impacts on Bucknell.

Puy du Fou knows about the council’s tax proposal and that it aims to create funds to oppose the park. The January meeting wasn’t properly attended, so the council agreed to ask the village residents. The results from that village consultation are still awaited.

Puy du Fou has shared their plans publicly, with exhibitions and many meetings with locals. They will update their plan after surveys and feedback. They plan to apply for permission this summer. The updated masterplan is set for release soon.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/24980521.puy-du-fou-council-tax-hike-village-fight-plans/?ref=rss
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