Bury St Edmunds Zebra Crossings on Symonds Road to Be Repaired

Suffolk Highways confirms repairs to zebra crossings on Symonds Road. Work is set to begin Monday in Bury St Edmunds.

Bury St Edmunds Zebra Crossings on Symonds Road to Be Repaired
Bury St Edmunds Zebra Crossings on Symonds Road to Be Repaired

Hey, guess what I just heard? Suffolk Highways will repaint zebra crossings. This follows a close call that happened yesterday.

They’ll fix two crossings on Symonds Road in Bury St Edmunds. Work begins Monday, so that’s super soon.

Olive Quinn, a local mom, almost got hit while using the crossing by Christ Church yesterday morning. Olive said the paint faded, and new drivers might miss the crossing and wouldn’t slow down in time!

Andy McGowan, vice chair of the MHRA, supports the repairs and thinks fixing the crossings is vital to prevent accidents. Andy states you can’t really see the crossing, an issue reported earlier to Suffolk Highways last year, and again in January.

Andy says the fix is overdue and believes safe routes are a bigger issue, adding that ensuring safety is important. Road markings in Bury are also a concern, at least, this is according to Andy!

Suffolk Highways says there’ll be a short delay lasting 15 minutes between Monday and Tuesday, 7 PM to 5 AM. They marked the work as “urgent.”

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.suffolknews.co.uk/bury-st-edmunds/news/it-is-vital-that-the-crossings-are-fixed-urgent-repair-wo-9407473/
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