Calderdale Examines Strategies to Address Alcohol Related Issues

Council explores ways to tackle alcohol problems. Focus is on considering public health in alcohol sales licenses.

Calderdale Examines Strategies to Address Alcohol Related Issues
Calderdale Examines Strategies to Address Alcohol Related Issues

Colin Hutchinson talked about improving public health. It relates to alcohol sales licenses. He emphasized sales from shops. Calderdale faces big problems with alcohol use. The area has high death rates. Hospital visits and binge drinking are up.

Hutchinson wants public health opinions considered. He mentioned cumulative impact assessments. These assessments check alcohol seller applications. They consider nearby existing shops. Hot food takeaways have similar rules.

Christine Prashad agreed these checks are a good idea. Israr Ahmed wants inclusive policy creation. He wants to include businesses. Ahmed feels businesses are often excluded.

The council will likely use an online survey. Peter Judge proposed a working group review. This group would check policy details. They want to ensure it meets council needs.

Judge thinks about public health too. He mentioned crime and domestic violence. Children and neglect are also factors. He wants to address real borough issues.

The current strategy needs updating, officers said. The policy must address national guidelines. These guidelines include early morning alcohol limits. A late night levy can help pay for policing. Other issues are drink spiking and terrorism training. They will also consider impact assessments.

Officers looked at other council policies. This helped draft a revised, strong strategy. This strategy will be able to handle challenges.

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