Camra and Belsize Society join forces requesting protections for historic Ye Olde Swiss Cottage pub in Camden.

They met with the Belsize Society on March 4. Together, they want to protect the pub and asked Camden Council for help. They want the pub listed as an asset.
This listing would give the community rights. They would know if someone wants to buy it. Locals could then bid to buy the pub, and would have six months for fundraising.
Camden Council’s Labour group also applied for protection and wants the pub listed as an asset. People started a petition to save it too.
The pub looks like a chalet and has been a pub site since the 1830s. Because Heritage England doesn’t list it, developers could change it easily.
An asset of community value helps the community and aids their social well-being and interests. Groups with at least twenty-one members can make nominations, but these groups can’t give profits to their members.