Couple Briefly Trapped in Taunton Park After Early Closure by Council

Couple found gates locked before dusk at Vivary Park in Taunton. Council cites new cost-saving closure policy.

Couple Briefly Trapped in Taunton Park After Early Closure by Council
Couple Briefly Trapped in Taunton Park After Early Closure by Council

Kevin and his wife walked in Vivary Park Saturday. They thought the park would close later. The sign said “by dusk,” since spring is near.

They went to leave between 5:00 and 5:15 PM. Staff informed them the gates were locked. Kevin noted the sign said “by dusk.” Dusk is later than 5:00 PM now. “Dusk” varies, so 5:00 PM is too early.

The council now locks the gates themselves. This saves money and improves efficiency. Kevin shared his experience in the park.

He explained they saw no changes while walking. A staff member then said the gates were locked. Kevin asked why they locked the gates so early. The staff member said they were told to do so.

The staff member offered to let them out. Kevin repeated the sign said “dusk.” Dusk isn’t a set time. They could leave, so there was no argument.

The council regrets the inconvenience. They helped them find a solution. The council discussed the closing policy on March 11. Previously, Somerset Council closed the park at dusk.

Now, they close the gates when the toilets close. This saves money and improves how things work. They plan longer summer hours. They haven’t decided the exact hours yet.

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