Dr Thomas Kwan Jailed for Plotting to Murder Mother’s Partner

Thomas Kwan, a doctor, received over 31 years for plotting to murder his mother’s partner, Patrick O’Hara.

Dr Thomas Kwan Jailed for Plotting to Murder Mother’s Partner
Dr Thomas Kwan Jailed for Plotting to Murder Mother’s Partner

Thomas Kwan was jailed on November 24, 2024. He plotted a murder, and Channel 5 will show a program about it called Inheritance: Murder in the Family.

Kwan wanted to murder his mother’s partner. He worked at a surgery in Sunderland and had a young son with his wife. His mother dated Patrick O’Hara for years, and Kwan began planning the murder.

Kwan was obsessed with money, they said, and he tracked his mother’s finances. She gave Patrick a share of her home, and Kwan was very angry about it, leading him to make a chilling decision.

Kwan pretended to be a nurse, calling himself Raj Patel and going to Newcastle under a fake name. He changed his look with makeup and used tanning stuff, even wearing a mask and hat, and faking his accent.

He went to his mother’s house on January 22, 2024, and said he would give Patrick a check-up. Kwan also said it was a Covid booster. He injected Patrick with a deadly solution that caused a flesh-eating disease.

Patrick felt a lot of pain, but Kwan claimed it was normal before running away quickly. Patrick’s condition worsened a lot, and he went to the hospital right away. Doctors removed flesh from his arm for weeks.

Police tracked Patel’s movements and eventually unmasked Kwan. His mother suspected him, and police said the suspect matched Kwan’s height. In court, the judge spoke to Kwan about resentment and money, noting his distorted thinking and entitlement, and how he was capable of extreme behavior to meet his needs.

Kwan got over 31 years in prison. The documentary will explore the plot since Kwan spent months on his plan. The show airs on Channel 5 on March 3, 2025.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/33654022/dr-thomas-kwan-patrick-ohara-murder-plot/
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