Ex-Brookside Actor in Modeling Fraud Warrington Man Gets Sentence

Philip Foster ran fake modeling agencies from Spain. Victims lost savings. Jamie Peters received suspended sentence.

Ex-Brookside Actor in Modeling Fraud Warrington Man Gets Sentence
Ex-Brookside Actor in Modeling Fraud Warrington Man Gets Sentence

Philip Foster, 49, was on TV show Brookside. He lived a fancy life for eight years and tricked young models and their parents. Sheffield Crown Court heard the case details.

Jamie Peters from Warrington got a suspended jail term. York and Northallerton trading standards exposed Foster, who ran fake modeling agencies. Now, he is hiding in Spain and faces eight and a half years in jail.

Foster lived in Marbella, Spain. The court sentenced him without him there at Sheffield Crown Court on Friday. He conspired to commit fraud, and eight associates were also sentenced, facing similar fraud charges and some also laundering money.

Judge David Dixon spoke about the scheme, saying greed drove the business. People were deceived into taking loans, and he called the fraud manipulative and cynical. The judge said their behavior was horrible, stating they deserved prison.

Officers did excellent work on the case. Bringing the group to justice was complex, and the investigation required great skill. The judge recommended a commendation.

Jenny Kent from City of York Council commented that Foster and his group made millions. They exploited young people’s dreams, leaving many with broken dreams and hardship.

Trading standards said over 6,000 people lost money, believing they would get modeling jobs. Foster ran the scam from Spain, living luxuriously there.

A network helped run fake agencies in London and other cities. These included Manchester, Leeds, and Bristol, also Coventry and Nottingham. This was found after a six-year investigation.

Victims got “free” test shoots, saw glossy brochures, and heard stories of success. They needed portfolios for agencies, so the group made victims buy photos to join the agencies.

Some used credit deals or payday loans to pay. Victims received poor quality pictures that could not get them real jobs. People rarely got paid modeling work.

Foster bought expensive items, including watches and cars. Victims felt devastated and betrayed, sharing this feelings to with investigators, and they felt humiliated by what happened.

Some people now distrust others. Their confidence and wellbeing suffered as sham agencies quickly shut down and changed names. Furthermore, they paid no taxes during operation.

Money went through UK accounts first, then moved to Spain. Sometimes, people carried cash in flights, according to NTS investigators.

Greg White said Foster exploited young people who wanted to enter the industry. Parents often borrowed money to invest, hoping it would help their children’s future.

He advised caution when seeking modeling jobs. Legitimate agencies do not ask for upfront fees. Only scam agencies push costly photoshoots.

Michael Foster, 27, from Liverpool, got three and a half years. Jamie Peters, 52, from Warrington got a suspended sentence of 24 months for conspiracy to defraud.

Lisa Foster, 42, from Astley got a suspended sentence of 18 months. Emily Newall, 29, from Kearsley also got one, her suspended prison sentence spanning 10 months. Atif Qadar, 44, from Crowthorne got a suspended 12-month term. They were all convicted of conspiracy.

Paul Fleury, 57, from Swinton got a suspended term of eighteen months, suspended for twelve. Aslihan Foster, 39, from Coventry, got a suspended term of 18 months as well. Paul Evans, 39, with no known address, got one too, his was three and a half years suspended. Both were guilty of money laundering.

Finally, south-west trading standards officers helped the York team.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.warringtonguardian.co.uk/news/24974026.warrington-man-ex-brookside-actor-modelling-fraud/?ref=rss
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