Ex Brookside Actor Jailed for Modeling Agency Scam in Absentia

Philip Foster, formerly of Brookside, sentenced to 8.5 years for a phony modeling agency scam that defrauded 6,000+ victims.

Ex Brookside Actor Jailed for Modeling Agency Scam in Absentia
Ex Brookside Actor Jailed for Modeling Agency Scam in Absentia

Philip Foster, 49, scammed aspiring models for eight years and lived a lavish life with the stolen money. He was once on the show Brookside and the scam primarily involved phony modeling agencies. He is currently hiding in Spain to avoid jail.

Foster was sentenced in absentia to eight and a half years at Sheffield Crown Court. He was convicted of conspiracy to defraud, and eight associates were also sentenced on charges including money laundering.

Judge Dixon praised the trading standards team, emphasizing that the business was driven by greed and exploited vulnerable people. He noted some victims even took out payday loans, revealing the fraud’s cruelty, and called their actions horrible and dishonest.

Councillor Kent stated Foster preyed on young people’s hopes, which left many with broken dreams and financial issues. Trading standards reported that over 6,000 victims lost money after being falsely promised modeling work, while Foster ran the scam from Spain.

He utilized associates in England to manage fake agencies operating in major cities such as London, Manchester, and Leeds. Bristol, Coventry, and Nottingham were also affected by these fraudulent schemes. The complex investigation spanned six years.

Victims received “free” test shoots and were presented with glossy brochures detailing success stories. They were usually informed they’d need to buy a portfolio because agencies claimed they were interested. This led victims to purchase photos to join the agency.

Some victims resorted to credit or payday loans, needing to provide payment upfront. In return, they received poor-quality photos unlikely to secure them actual modeling jobs. Ultimately, most victims could not find paid modeling work.

Foster used the defrauded money to buy expensive items, while victims experienced devastation, humiliation, and betrayal. Some suffered lasting effects with diminished confidence and trust. The fake agencies also paid no tax and rebranded themselves quickly.

The scam’s proceeds were transferred to UK banks and then to Spain, and some of it was carried in cash on flights. Councillor White condemned Foster’s cruel exploitation of hopefuls, noting that some parents sacrificed savings for their children’s futures.

Legitimate agencies generally don’t ask for upfront fees, while scam agencies prioritize expensive photoshoots. Michael Foster, 27, received three and a half years in jail, and Jamie Peters, 52, received a suspended sentence for his involvement.

Lisa Foster, 42, and Emily Newall, 29, each received a suspended sentence, as did Atif Qadar, 44. All were convicted of conspiring to defraud victims. Paul Fleury, 57, also received a suspended sentence for fraud.

Aslihan Foster, 39, and Paul Evans, 39, both received suspended sentences for their crimes involving money laundering. South-west trading standards officers provided significant assistance to the team during the investigation.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/24973765.ex-brookside-actor-ran-sham-modelling-agency-fraud/?ref=rss
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