Exhibition for Bedmond 70 Home Plan by Promoter Holding Event

Promoter holds an exhibition for a 70-home plan in Bedmond, aiming to address local concerns about the development.

Exhibition for Bedmond 70 Home Plan by Promoter Holding Event
Exhibition for Bedmond 70 Home Plan by Promoter Holding Event

Magenta Planning wants to build houses. The site is between Bedmond Road and East Lane, and they plan seventy homes in the estate. A single entrance will be on Bedmond Road.

Montare is a housing promoter, and they will hold an exhibition tonight, February 27, at Bedmond Village Hall. Montare wants to show their ideas and hopes to ease local worries.

People worry about losing green belt land and also fear road safety problems. More traffic and service impacts are also concerns.

Jane Powell campaigns for the Green Party, stating we need good housing plans that meet local needs. These plans must consider infrastructure, as speculative projects are not good.

Vicky Edwards is a Conservative councillor who shares worries about this plan. She stated it could merge Bedmond into Abbots Langley, and our green fields would disappear.

Many Bedmond people missed the first event in Abbots Langley because they did not get an invitation from Montare. This second event is to include them.

Stephen Giles-Medhurst also has concerns, leading the Three Rivers council. He worries villages could merge together.

No application went to the district council yet, but a plan will likely come after this. The council will then consider it.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/24967669.promoter-holding-exhibition-bedmond-70-home-plan/?ref=rss
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