Appeal closing statements complete for 83 homes near Farnham Park. Inspector deciding after Waverley Council refusal.
Gleeson Homes wants to build them. Waverley Council said no last year, but Gleeson appealed that decision about the land. It sits between Old Park Lane and UCA.
Arguments for and against these homes were intense. The hearing lasted a week, starting in Godalming and finishing online.
The council worried about the area’s vibe if houses get built and also expressed concerns about people in Abbey View. The estate’s entrance might widen some streets.
A lawyer for the council, Robin Green, spoke out about widening Cascade Way. He argued that cars would be closer to homes, leading to a traffic increase and harm to the rural landscape.
He acknowledged the need for housing, but stated it wasn’t enough to allow the build, arguing that the benefits did not outweigh the harms.
Gleeson Homes thinks the inspector should say yes, as they believe Waverley needs more housing. John Litton KC represented them and discussed possible conditions if approved.
Litton said Farnham is a good spot because it’s a sustainable location where walking and cycling would be easy. He believed this connected the site with the facilities available in the town centre.
They also talked about a fault line on the land and the potential for views of Farnham Park to be ruined. Everyone has had their say, and it is now a waiting game.