Father Pays Tribute to “Shining Star” After Kingsley Pond Tragedy

A father mourns his two-year-old daughter, Annabel, who tragically died after an incident at Kingsley Pond.

Father Pays Tribute to “Shining Star” After Kingsley Pond Tragedy
Father Pays Tribute to “Shining Star” After Kingsley Pond Tragedy

A dad remembers his daughter, Annabel. She passed away after an incident at a pond. This sad event will soon mark 18 months.

Annabel Mackey, age two, lived in Kingsley. People reported her missing from her home on Forge Road.

The call to emergency services came on September 10, 2023, a Sunday at 5:02 p.m. They found Annabel in Kingsley Pond soon after, and she went to the hospital right away in very bad shape. Sadly, she died the next day.

The investigation into her death is still happening. Her father shared a touching message calling her a “beautiful, positive, happy girl.” Her family and friends loved her very much.

He misses her pure and caring heart a lot. Annabel enjoyed story time, dogs, and playing with her dolly. Singing songs and rhymes made her happy, and she also loved to eat sweets.

Annabel’s laugh made everyone happy, and she brought joy to their lives. He thanks those who helped her and asks that people remember her and care for others because the world needs more kindness. Annabel, he says, will always be loved; she is his shining star, forever.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.farnhamherald.com/news/fathers-tribute-to-beautiful-positive-and-happy-little-girl-who-died-after-kingsley-pond-tragedy-770961
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