Gordon Graham Murder Case What Sentence Did He Receive For Paul Gaults Death

Explore Graham’s life sentence for Paul Gault’s murder and the complex aftermath involving Lesley Ann Gault.

Gordon Graham Murder Case What Sentence Did He Receive For Paul Gaults Death
Gordon Graham Murder Case What Sentence Did He Receive For Paul Gaults Death

Gordon Graham was a firefighter once. He went to jail. He murdered his lover’s husband. The crime happened in Northern Ireland.

A BBC show will cover this awful act. It is called The Crime I Can’t Forget. The show looks at Graham’s crime.

Paul Gault was killed by Graham. Lesly Ann Gault was Paul’s wife. She was viewed as involved. Later they cleared her name.

Graham had an affair with Lesly Ann Gault when she was married to Paul. They lived in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. Graham murdered Paul using a blunt object. This shocked everyone in 2002. DNA evidence helped catch Graham later.

Graham got a life sentence for the murder. Prosecutors linked Lesly to the crime. She faced three trials. She got a life sentence initially, but the Court of Appeal reversed it. She was then freed from prison.

Lesly remarried after her release. She met Jeremy years after her release and had ended a romance with a prison guard. She now plans a church opening with Jeremy, to “grow God’s kingdom.” They also plan to move to Carrick-on-Shannon.

The BBC series will show Graham’s crime. It is on The Crime I Can’t Forget. Detective Inspector Roy McComb is featured as he works to find the truth. The show includes an interview with Paul’s son Jonathan. You can watch it March 4, 2025, beginning at 10:45pm.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/33667963/gordon-graham-lesley-ann-gault-husband-paul-murder/
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