Hampshire M3 M27 Weekend Closures Planned for March 7th to 9th

Roadworks cause M3 roundabout and M27 slip road closures near Southampton from March 7th to 9th. Expect delays.

Hampshire M3 M27 Weekend Closures Planned for March 7th to 9th
Hampshire M3 M27 Weekend Closures Planned for March 7th to 9th

Hey, I saw some info about road closures. They affect the M3 and M27 near Southampton. This is for the weekend of March 7th to 9th.

On Friday, March 7th, the M3 has partial closures affecting the Junction 9 roundabout in both directions. Expect this from 9 PM Friday to 6 AM Saturday. They are doing barrier repair work then.

Also on Friday, the M27 eastbound has some slip road closures. Junctions 5 and 7 have exit and entry closures, while Junction 8 has an exit slip road closure. This happens between 10 PM Friday and 6 AM Saturday as they will be doing resurfacing.

On Saturday, March 8th, there are no M3 closures, but the M27 eastbound is affected again. Junctions 5, 7, and 8 have the same closures as Friday. This is from 10 PM Saturday to 6 AM Sunday and resurfacing continues.

Sunday, March 9th, has no scheduled M3 road closures. The M27 eastbound will still have the same slip road closures at Junctions 5, 7, and 8. Expect this from 10 PM Sunday to 6 AM Monday as more resurfacing will occur.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.salisburyjournal.co.uk/news/24992246.hampshire-m3-m27-weekend-closures-march-7-9/?ref=rss
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