Hernandez Promises Action Based on Torquay Residents Feedback

Alison Hernandez pledges to act on Torquay residents concerns. Efforts include more policing, tackling antisocial behaviour, and youth support.

Hernandez Promises Action Based on Torquay Residents Feedback
Hernandez Promises Action Based on Torquay Residents Feedback

Torquay residents spoke up about what mattered. The Street Focus project listened. Action followed, addressing those concerns.

Vacant shops bothered many people. They are working with the council. Artists may use empty spaces. The project will share updates in one storefront, and will also provide crime reporting info.

People wanted tougher action on drugs and alcohol. Antisocial behavior also needed focus. Public Spaces Protection Orders started in June 2024. These ban alcohol in some areas, and Police can move troublemakers for a day. They issued over 500 alcohol PSPOs, and sixty dispersal orders happened.

CCTV helped catch a drug dealer. The team also spots dangerous bike riders.

More police on the streets became a priority. Funding secured hotspot policing. Police, marshals, and officers work together to provide a visible presence. Over 1,700 patrol hours occurred, and they spoke with more than 6,000 people. A mobile police station helps officers connect, allowing people to report things easier there.

Castle Circus felt unsafe to many. Increased patrols are helping now, as residents and businesses feel safer. About 300 cameras are around Torbay. CCTV intel aided arrests. They asked the council to invest in Castle Circus, aiming to stop antisocial behavior there.

SWISCo tackles litter, graffiti, and dog mess. They gave 75 fines since November 2024, but they focus on educating people first. The team works all week, and they walk many kilometers each week to clean.

Shoplifting became a problem. Town officers promoted the StoreNet radio system, which connects businesses, CCTV, and police forces. 69 StoreNet radios are now used, and 63 NiteNet radios serve night businesses. A crime solution pilot is starting. It helps businesses report crimes, and Police can then gather evidence to prosecute.

Youth clubs were suggested for young people. Students shared ideas for community issues, and they mentioned addiction support and youth clubs. Funding now supports youth programs which create opportunities, helping address antisocial behavior causes.

Partnerships are key to the progress. An award recognized Tara Harris, who helped keep people safe, reduced reoffending, and engaged partners.

Torquay is a model for the project. Lessons are moving to Camborne now. Partners in Camborne want community safety. Progress happened but still continues. They will listen and work together, and they will create a safer Torquay.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.torbayweekly.co.uk/news/home/1744611/alison-hernandez-im-committed-to-ensuring-that-your-feedback-leads-to-real-action.html
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