Herts Council Pays Over £200k Exit Package; Biggest Since 2012 Herts Council Pays Over £200k Exit Package to Departing Employee

A Herts council paid £203k in an exit package, the largest since 2012, as part of £1.5m spent on staff departures in 2023/24.
Hertfordshire council paid a £203k exit package to an employee in 2023/24, the largest since 2011/12.

Herts Council Pays Over £200k Exit Package; Biggest Since 2012

Herts Council Pays Over £200k Exit Package to Departing Employee
Herts Council Pays Over £200k Exit Package; Biggest Since 2012

Herts Council Pays Over £200k Exit Package to Departing Employee

A council worker left in the 2023/24 year. They agreed to leave; it wasn’t a forced layoff. They got an exit package worth £203,216.

The council has no set limit for exit payments. They decide each case individually. This £203k payment is their biggest since 2011/2012. Back then, they did a big downsizing.

In total, 130 employees’ contracts ended in 2023/24, and exit packages cost the council £1,544,233. A council spokesperson said the £203k payment was needed. Councillors approved it.

They only give exit payments with a strong business case. It should save them money later, and they aim to help staff leaving. Plus, they want to give good value to taxpayers.

Some payments relate to their resourcing program’s start. This includes management changes, and they believe short-term exit costs will help long-term, making them more efficient.

Of the 130 exits, 53 were forced layoffs and 77 were agreed departures. Total exit packages cost over £1.5 million. One agreed departure cost £145,343, while one layoff cost £87,605.

Most exit packages were smaller. Forty-nine laid-off staff and 64 agreed departures got £0-£20,000, totaling £655,184. The average payment was £5,798.

Eleven more staff got £20k-£40k. Two were laid off, and nine agreed to leave. Their packages totaled £295,029, and the average payment was £26,820.

Two more staff got £40,000-£60,000. They totaled £91,369, and the average payout equaled £45,684. One more person who agreed to leave got £66,477.

This data was in the 23/24 accounts, shown to the council’s audit committee on February 11. Exit packages cost the council £1,544,233 in 2023/24.

That’s compared to £862,578 in 2022/23. There were 33 forced layoffs and 54 agreed departures then. Exit packages add extra early termination costs, but they don’t include standard pension payments.

A council worker left in the 2023/24 year. They agreed to leave; it wasn’t a forced layoff. They got an exit package worth £203,216.

The council has no set limit for exit payments. They decide each case individually. This £203k payment is their biggest since 2011/2012 when they did a big downsizing.

In total, 130 employees’ contracts ended in 2023/24. Exit packages cost the council £1,544,233. A council spokesperson said the £203k payment was needed, and councillors approved it.

They only give exit payments with a strong business case and aim to save money later. They aim to help staff leaving and give good value to taxpayers.

Some payments relate to their resourcing program’s start, including management changes. They believe short-term exit costs will help long-term, making them more efficient.

Of the 130 exits, 53 were forced layoffs, and seventy-seven were agreed departures. Total exit packages cost over £1.5 million. One agreed departure cost £145,343, while One layoff cost £87,605.

Most exit packages were smaller, with forty-nine laid-off staff and 64 agreed departures getting £0-£20,000. These 113 packages totaled £655,184, and the average payment was £5,798.

Eleven more staff got £20k-£40k; two were laid off, and nine agreed to leave. Their packages totaled £295,029, and the average payment was £26,820.

Two more staff got £40,000-£60,000, totaling £91,369. The average payout equaled £45,684. One more person who agreed to leave got £66,477.

This data was in the 23/24 accounts, shown to the council’s audit committee on February 11. Exit packages cost the council £1,544,233 in 2023/24 compared to £862,578 in 2022/23.

There were 33 forced layoffs and 54 agreed departures then. Exit packages add extra early termination costs, but they don’t include standard pension payments.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/24990354.herts-county-council-paid-exit-package-excess-200k/?ref=rss
Image Credits and Reference: https://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/24990354.herts-county-council-paid-exit-package-excess-200k/?ref=rss
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