Hotel Cancels Armagh Woman’s Wedding Leaving Many in Disarray

Glencarn Hotel in Castleblayney cancels weddings and events with little explanation, leaving brides and others scrambling.

Hotel Cancels Armagh Woman’s Wedding Leaving Many in Disarray
Hotel Cancels Armagh Woman’s Wedding Leaving Many in Disarray

An Armagh woman planned her wedding. The Glencarn Hotel in Castleblayney canceled it. Other brides also learned their weddings were off.

The hotel canceled many events for the coming months. The venue didn’t explain why publicly. People wondered about cancellations on social media. Communions and confirmations also got canceled.

JivinGym planned a fundraising event there. The hotel then canceled all 2025 shows. JivinGym moved their June event to Dundalk’s Fairways.

Michael English canceled his Friday show. The hotel’s ongoing closure caused this.

Management sent staff a letter on January 13. It mentioned fire safety work started late. They expected the hotel to reopen March 14. Staff’s hard work were appreciated, and they hoped to see them again soon.

A wedding coordinator told one Armagh bride her wedding was canceled on Wednesday, March 12. The couple planned a May wedding. They had to ask often, and emails delayed the hotel’s reopening date.

The news became a nightmare for the bride, who needed to find a different venue.

The hotel made no public announcement. Their website and social media stayed silent. This lack of news made things more confusing.

Armagh I contacted the hotel for information but received no answers to phone calls and emails.

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