A plan for a new commercial unit behind The Hungry Stag café in Woolpit has been withdrawn. The reasons for the withdrawal are unknown.

The site already has several businesses, including a restaurant, a noodle bar, and a butcher shop. Mr. Lebbon rents shop spaces to owners.
But now, the plan for the fifth shop is gone. We don’t know why they withdrew it. Local councils did object to the plan.
Haughley Parish Council worried about more traffic, saying more cars and noise would affect Haughley New Street. Woolpit Parish Council also had traffic worries.
They said trucks use unsuitable country roads, mentioning Warren Lane and Wood Road. Borley Green and Heath Road are other affected roads.
The council felt the site was being overdeveloped, saying each small addition hurts planning and doubting this was the last building. Parking shrinks as buildings grow, and cars park on the old A45 road.
This creates danger for walkers and slow traffic, as fast A14 traffic meets site traffic.