Ilkley Manor House Roof Repair Funds Approved by Bradford Council

Bradford Council will fund a new roof for the historic Ilkley Manor House, ensuring its preservation for the community.

Ilkley Manor House Roof Repair Funds Approved by Bradford Council
Ilkley Manor House Roof Repair Funds Approved by Bradford Council

Hey, guess what? The local council will pay for a new roof. It’s for Ilkley Manor House! It’s a really old and important building.

Last fall, a tile fell off the roof. The Trust called Bradford Council right away. They said the building might be dangerous. The Trust then hired someone to check the roof.

The expert said the entire roof must be redone. All the old tiles must come off. This will cost around £100,000.

The Trust talked with Bradford Council about the roof cost. The Council owns the Manor House still. It’s the oldest building in the area. It sits on top of a Roman fort!

The Trust chair said this is great news. It protects the Trust long-term. They can keep it open for the community. They are planning the work schedule now.

They want to start and finish it this year. A council member said they protect old buildings. He is happy to pay for the Manor House roof.

The Trust and Council also want to improve the building. The Trust will pay for these extra improvements. They’ll start a fundraiser this spring for it.

They plan to use modern stuff to upgrade things. It will make the building better. It will still look just as old and pretty outside. Roger Tilbrook is leading the improvement plans.

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