Highland Council seeks approval to expand Kilvean Cemetery near Inverness, adding burial plots and extending its lifespan.

The active burial area covers 5.88 hectares. Highland Council wants to use nearby land to create 1830 new burial spots. Approval would add ten years to the cemetery’s lifespan, allowing it to stay open until 2066.
The work involves improving the existing access roads by widening them and adding passing spots. New footpaths are also planned for the area. Workers will build concrete bases for the new plots.
Highland Council described their plans, stating the concrete bases will create 1830 lairs and extend the cemetery’s life by ten years. They also stated wide footpaths will provide access, connecting to the current cemetery.
The field is uneven at present. Workers will level it to make it uniform. A new chain-link fence will go up around the area, matching the existing cemetery fence.