Rare bird sightings in Swindon’s Coate Water! Kingfishers and water rails draw nature lovers to local parks and lakes.

Folks spotted kingfishers at Coate Water. These birds are blue and orange beauties, and water rails with long beaks also live there. They hunt for food in shallow water.
Kingfishers fly fast and low, perching near the water to find fish. Sometimes, they hover while hunting.
Harsh winters can hurt kingfishers, and pollution and poor water care also pose threats. Laws protect them under the Wildlife Act, giving them extra support.
Water rails live in wetlands and they tend to hide. They are fairly common here.
Water rails have brown and black backs, with gray faces and undersides. Black and white marks stripe their sides, and they also have long, red beaks.
Winter is the best time to see them as more rails appear then, and they spread out. They seem bolder, but stay hidden often. You will likely hear them, not see them.