Kings Arms Pub in Kidlington Launches New Authentic Welsh Menu

Landlord Adam Manning introduces a Welsh menu at the Kings Arms featuring rarebit, cawl, and Swansea breakfast.

Kings Arms Pub in Kidlington Launches New Authentic Welsh Menu
Kings Arms Pub in Kidlington Launches New Authentic Welsh Menu

Adam Manning started running the Kings Arms in 2023. Good news! The pub earned an award and placed third in a local contest. They also have a brand new menu.

The Oxford Mail newspaper featured The Kings Arms. Manning is from Aberdare, Wales, so the new menu has Welsh food. It includes rarebit and Welsh cakes, alongside a Swansea breakfast and sausage with mash. Cawl, a stew, and Ffagodau are also available.

Before this, Manning worked at The Red Lion for two five-year periods. Food service wasn’t possible at first because things got complicated, he explained. The kitchen needed lots of work.

A new extension opened in October 2023, which tripled the pub’s size and The Watermans became a popular event space. They improved the toilets next. A new ladies’ room opened, and the men’s room was updated.

Last August, Dan Spencer joined the team. He came from the Jericho Tavern, where he used to be a general and kitchen manager. A modern kitchen was installed, earning a five-star rating.

The updated menu launched recently in November. Most dishes are made at the pub, and the meat comes from Bartletts, a local butcher. Manning is happy about the CAMRA award.

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