A lawyer is banned from driving after refusing a breath test after lip surgery, following an erratic driving incident.

Police stopped Tansey in April 2023. They witnessed her Range Rover driving erratically. Tansey, a mom of three children, was a director at a Hooters venue in Liverpool. She initially refused the breathalyzer, citing her cosmetic lip surgery.
The lawyer also refused a blood test, stating she has a fear of needles. A prosecutor said she could give a sample. The court convicted her after a trial for failing to provide blood for analysis. The judge added she tried to backtrack.
He mentioned her claims about lip surgery and inferred she couldn’t have a blood test. A judge said her story lacked any credibility. This incident transpired early April 20, 2023, as Tansey drove slowly near her home in Formby, Merseyside.
The court learned she gave a partial attempt at the breath test and claimed recent cosmetic treatment. She insisted she was doing her best, likening it to jumping post tummy tuck. Tansey insisted she did nothing wrong, mentioning dropping a chicken wrap and rinsing with mouthwash.
A medical expert testified she could provide a sample. Tansey, wearing a black dress, wiped tears during sentencing. The court issued a 12-month order, including 130 hours of unpaid work. Her lawyer lamented she will lose her good name.
The lawyer stated she had no prior offenses and apologized to the court and officers. Having reviewed the footage, she admitted feeling snappy in her interaction and is ashamed. Although she didn’t feel it unsafe to drive, she felt relieved no one suffered harm.
Police now support Tansey and her children with domestic abuse help, which makes her especially ashamed. As the sole carer for three children, Tansey attends counseling for a past attack and feels defensive around men, which her lawyer believes fueled her behavior.
The judge stated she refused to provide a sample, inferring she feared failing a test. While it remained unclear if she was over the limit, Tansey’s lawyer said she had no convictions, was snappy, and felt ashamed, though she didn’t consider herself unfit to drive. Her Hooters company went into liquidation last year.