Lorry Crushed After Essex Fly-tipper Illegally Dumped Waste

An Essex fly-tipper’s lorry was crushed after being caught dumping waste. The council is cracking down on illegal dumping.

Lorry Crushed After Essex Fly-tipper Illegally Dumped Waste
Lorry Crushed After Essex Fly-tipper Illegally Dumped Waste

Hey, guess what happened in Tilbury?

Someone dumped trash in the Lawns last October. They filmed the truck doing it. Investigators tracked the truck to Brenan Road. The authorities seized the lorry this January. The owner didn’t claim the truck back.

Last week, they crushed the truck completely. A local councillor spoke about the event. Her name is Victoria Holloway. She warned against dumping waste in Thurrock. She said they investigate all illegal dumping. They hold those responsible accountable.

The crushed truck can’t dump trash ever again. She also said dumping is selfish and criminal. Thurrock spends lots of money to clean up dumped waste. It costs hundreds of thousands yearly. The councillor finds this unacceptable.

They always hold offenders accountable. Thurrock Council gave out 223 fines recently. These fines related to illegal dumping in the last year. The council wants people to report any dumping incidents. People can use the council website to do this. It’s thurrock.gov.uk/fly-tipping.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.thurrockgazette.co.uk/news/24971892.essex-fly-tipper-lorry-crushed-dumping-waste/?ref=rss
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