Lorry Park Approved Near M26 Despite Green Belt Concerns in Wrotham Heath

Moto Hospitality wins approval for a 200-space lorry park off the M26 and A20, despite council and green belt worries.

Lorry Park Approved Near M26 Despite Green Belt Concerns in Wrotham Heath
Lorry Park Approved Near M26 Despite Green Belt Concerns in Wrotham Heath

A plan for a lorry park got rejected, then approved. The park would have 200 spaces and would operate all day. It was planned for land by the M26 motorway.

Tonbridge and Malling councillors first said no, worrying it harmed the area’s rural feel and hurt the Kent Downs’ beauty. The council also felt it invaded the countryside and saw no reasons to outweigh green belt damage.

Moto Hospitality then appealed this decision, and the Planning Inspectorate overturned the council’s refusal. They approved the truck stop last month, with the plan including fuel and a building.

The inspector said it was “grey belt” land, not strongly helping green belt goals. The site’s 16 acres sit in the Metropolitan Green Belt. It will lose a green field and affect the rural scene.

However, the inspector said the harm would be small, noting other buildings already exist nearby. Despite fields used for farming, the M26 affects the area, bringing noise and changing the look, impacting its peacefulness.

The inspector noted more development along the A20, stating that it would lose an open field. The field helps show the Kent Downs setting, and these changes slightly hurt the Downs’ look.

This outcome, the inspector considered, could not be avoided, though landscaping could reduce bad impacts. These plans would not ruin the landscape’s beauty and would not affect quiet enjoyment of the area. These were important conclusions.

Moto Hospitality said Kent needs about 1,000 more lorry spaces, an argument the inspector found compelling, stating the need only increases. They also stated that safe facilities are a basic need, requiring drivers to have showers, meals, and sleep without fear, emphasizing this cannot be viewed as luxury.

Moto Hospitality welcomes the decision on lorry parking, saying it is demonstrably needed in Kent. The location also works well, and the plan will have economic, social, and environmental benefits.

It offers very substantial weight, with these benefits outweighing environmental harms. Moto Hospitality runs over 50 service stations and ranks as huge motorway service operators, making them experts on the need.

Jess Lockwood works for Moto Hospitality and said drivers face stress and parking problems, with many parking in unsafe spots. The industry struggles with staff, and she appreciates the recognition for more HGV spots.

She looks forward to building at M26 J2a, between two villages, stating the facility is greatly needed. Council leader Matt Boughton showed concern, worrying about protecting green belt areas, and made a statement about the issues.

Approval for the site brings further tasks, with submitting those plans requiring further approval too. The process of approval may take a while, and they’re still committed to working with locals, planning on collaborating with the local authority, guiding development.

Matt Boughton thinks the decision hurts green belt protections, saying the “grey belt” idea favors building on green belt land. This affects existing protection measures, according to Boughton.

Harry Rayner is a Kent County councillor who suggested a better spot at Junction 8 of the M20, as he thinks demand may be elsewhere. He said more freight will use the M20 later on, which could be helped by the Lower Thames Crossing linking Gravesend and Essex.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.kentonline.co.uk/sevenoaks/news/rejected-plans-for-200-space-lorry-park-on-green-belt-fields-320854/
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