Malvern Residents Push for Lorry Ban on Dangerous Court Road

Residents want to ban large lorries as they cause road blockages and pavement damage on Court Road, Malvern.

Malvern Residents Push for Lorry Ban on Dangerous Court Road
Malvern Residents Push for Lorry Ban on Dangerous Court Road

People want to ban big lorries on Court Road. These 44-tonne lorries cause problems for people there.

Residents say lorries block the road and cars get stuck. Some drivers go on the pavement, trying to get around the lorries.

Campaigners say lorries damage the pavement, making it difficult to step onto. People must watch for traffic. The residents have been campaigning for a ban now.

Councilor Victory is helping the residents. He worked with the council, and they added yellow lines to widen the road a bit. He wants smaller lorries only.

Victory says big lorries can’t turn easily and often drive onto the pavement. But the council doesn’t want a ban, citing national standards as the reason. Victory disagrees with that reasoning.

He says cars crash often there and hit walls, sometimes overturning. Some homes are very close to the road. Large lorries should not use these roads.

One time, a car sped onto the pavement and got stuck between a wall and another car. Resident Carolyn Withington described the situation as chaos, feeling controlling HGVs is essential. Heavy goods vehicles make it worse because it is dangerous currently.

Victory said it’s a problem across Malvern. One lorry damaged a house on Westminster Road while travelling down a narrow street. The lorry removed some tiles from the house.

The county council responded by adding new road markings and renewing the old ones recently. They counted the lorries and stated restrictions were not needed. They will check the road and pavements for safety issues.

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