Netflix’s CHAOS explores if Manson was a CIA puppet, questioning mind control links and the shocking 1969 murders.

The Family brutally murdered actress Sharon Tate. She was eight months pregnant then. They also smeared walls with victims’ blood. The messages were very disturbing. A Netflix show, CHAOS, explores the crimes and questions the role of the CIA and FBI.
The show asks if Manson was a CIA or FBI puppet. Did he learn mind control from MKUltra? This was a secret CIA program. What’s the link to Jack Ruby? Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald, who killed President Kennedy.
Tom O’Neill wrote a book about it all. He thinks the government might have used Manson. The first murder was July 25, 1969. Manson lived at Spahn Ranch with his followers. Most followers were young women. He sent three members to Gary Hinman’s house.
Hinman was a drug dealer. Manson thought Hinman owed him money. They held Hinman hostage for two days. Bobby Beausoleil stabbed Hinman to death. Manson told him to blame the Black Panthers. Beausoleil wrote “political piggy” in blood and added a paw print.
Lynette Fromme, an ex-follower, says she still loves Manson. On August 8, Manson sent four members to Terry Melcher’s house. Melcher was a record producer who had refused Manson a recording contract. However, Melcher had moved out of the house; Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate now lived there.
The Family members were high on drugs. They shot Steven Parent outside, who was visiting the caretaker. Then, they killed four people inside. Those victims included Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, and others.
Sharon Tate was 26 years old and eight months pregnant. She died from stab wounds. The killers wrote “pig” on the house with her blood. The next night, Manson went with six members to another house which belonged to Leno and Rosemary LaBianca.
Manson told them to stab the couple to death, then left his followers to do it. Afterward, they wrote slogans in blood. They wrote “death to pigs” and “Helter Skelter” on walls and the fridge.
The police did not link the murders at first. Tom O’Neill believes the police knew earlier, but thinks they waited two months to act. The Family left a lot of evidence, yet, the police did nothing. Authorities knew the murders were connected.
The last victim was Donald Shea. He was a Hollywood stuntman who had hung out with The Family. Manson wanted Shea killed because he thought Shea told police about their crimes. Shea was killed on August 26.
Police eventually raided Spahn Ranch and arrested everyone on other charges like vandalism and stolen goods. Yet, the police released them after three days. Was Manson allowed to do whatever he wanted?
O’Neill researched MKUltra and Dr. Louis West. West studied hypnosis and brainwashing and used a clinic to recruit subjects. He studied LSD’s effects on young people. Manson often visited this clinic with his followers.
Project MKUltra was a CIA program for mind control. It aimed to weaken people through torture. West worked for the CIA for years. He also examined Jack Ruby before Ruby testified. West said Ruby had lost touch with reality.
West knew how to induce this state which was a CIA objective. O’Neill cannot connect West and Manson directly, though. Experts think the “Helter Skelter” theory was a trick. Manson liked The Beatles and listened to The White Album. “Helter Skelter” was a song title. Manson said it meant a coming race war. O’Neill no longer believes this claim.
O’Neill now thinks the story was manipulated and hurt the anti-war movement. The FBI and CIA designed programs to infiltrate left-wing groups. They wanted to stop them. Celebrities supported those groups.
A memo said celebrities would face consequences. Soon, Tate and Sebring were killed. Manson planned to blame the Panthers for the crimes. The murders made youth movements look bad and warned against drugs, communes, and protests.
Manson used LSD to change personalities. This was part of MKUltra’s goals. West learned to replace real memories with false ones, using LSD and hypnosis for that. How did Manson learn brainwashing so fast? He was a joke before; he must have had help.