After being saved, Meals Direct faces changes for financial stability. A plan is being developed to recover costs.

To achieve this, the council asked staff to explore options to make Meals Direct financially stable. The council was spending a lot of money, using £444,000 on Meals Direct and The Hive. The Hive is the council’s staff restaurant in Tredomen.
The cabinet agreed to save Meals Direct last September, while The Hive was still affected by other changes. On February 27, Cllr Jill Winslade asked for an update to know what was happening.
Cllr Elaine Forehead responded, stating officers are working on a plan to recover all costs over time. This plan depends on how many people use the service. A report will go to a scrutiny committee in April, outlining the options available.
These options will consider feedback received already. Council members will give their views on these options, and then the plan will go to the cabinet for a decision.