Mid Cheshire Welcomes February Babies Submit Your Photos Today

Share your February-born baby’s photo for a special feature. Include key details for consideration.

Mid Cheshire Welcomes February Babies Submit Your Photos Today
Mid Cheshire Welcomes February Babies Submit Your Photos Today

They want baby pictures for a special thing next year. You can share your baby’s photo if born in February. Use the form to do it.

Send a photo of your new baby. List their full name, where they live, their Mid Cheshire area, and birth date. Include their birth weight too. If any info is missing, the picture won’t be used.

Send color photos, not black and white ones. Send close-ups, not montages or filtered stuff. They’ll ask for more photos later this year; look for it at each month’s end.

Someone asked about babies born in February 2025. They want close-up color pictures of newborns only. Give the baby’s full name and area, and list the date they were born plus their weight. Missing info means no picture in the newspaper.

Daniel Taylor sent Ruben Taylor’s photo. Ruben is from Rudheath. He was born Feb 16, weighing 8lb 2oz.

Megan Hill sent Frankie Harradine’s picture. Frankie is from Northwich. She was born Feb 7, weighing 6lb 13oz.

Lauranda Drayton sent Elsie Hulland’s picture. Elsie is from Middlewich. She was born Feb 20, weighing 7lb 8oz.

Natasha Shaw sent Elijah Shone’s picture. Elijah is from Rudheath. He was born Feb 14, weighing 8lb 8oz.

Gemma Hunt sent Harry Bradley’s picture. Harry is from Northwich. He was born Feb 4, weighing 7lb 5oz.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.northwichguardian.co.uk/news/24975555.say-hello-february-babies-born-mid-cheshire/?ref=rss
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