Mid Suffolk Council to Decide on 210 Home Thurston Development

Council to decide on final details for 210 homes in Thurston. Meeting follows prior approvals and resident concerns.

Mid Suffolk Council to Decide on 210 Home Thurston Development
Mid Suffolk Council to Decide on 210 Home Thurston Development

They will soon decide about 210 new houses. It’s a big project in a village called Thurston. Mid Suffolk councillors will talk about it soon. Barratt David Wilson Homes wants to build them. The houses would go east of Ixworth Road.

The council meeting is this Wednesday where they’ll look at the details of the plan including how the houses look and their layout. The meeting was delayed from February because residents didn’t get proper notice then.

They already approved the big picture in 2023 although the council missed a deadline, so it was approved on appeal. Councillors wanted to refuse it, but their legal challenge failed. Now, they must consider the specifics.

Officials know Thurston has many new homes lately, but the permission is already in place. A local group wants to stop all building, saying infrastructure must come first. They shared this last June.

The local parish council objects to the small details, with nine residents also sharing their worries. They are concerned about traffic and access, and the project’s density also worries them.

If the council approves, the developer must pay over £1.6 million in contributions. They will also pay Community Infrastructure Levy funds, which will help the community.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.suffolknews.co.uk/bury-st-edmunds/news/final-decision-due-on-210-home-development-within-village-9407512/
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