Middlesbrough Man Jailed After Drug Possession Incident Middlesbrough Man Jailed After Drug Possession Incident

Ryan Rule received a three-year sentence for drug possession with intent to supply in Middlesbrough.
Ryan Rule received a three-year sentence for drug possession with intent to supply in Middlesbrough.

Middlesbrough Man Jailed After Drug Possession Incident

Middlesbrough Man Jailed After Drug Possession Incident
Middlesbrough Man Jailed After Drug Possession Incident

Middlesbrough Man Jailed After Drug Possession Incident

Last year, on August 13, police saw Ryan Rule in Middlesbrough. He was inhaling nitrous oxide in a car, in a car park off Saltersgill Avenue. Rule lived on Brettenham Avenue.

Police spoke to Rule and found another nitrous oxide canister in the car’s boot. Rule then grabbed a wash bag from the boot and tried to run from police.

Officers struggled with Rule, who strongly resisted them. Rule would not let go of the snatched bag until police arrested him. The bag contained suspected cocaine, with a value of over £7,300.

Later, police charged Rule with possessing class A drugs with intent to supply. He was held in custody until Friday, February 28, when Teesside Crown Court sentenced Rule to three years in prison.

Sergeant John Sproson, who works with the Middlesbrough Proactive Team, commented on the sentence. He said he was happy with Ryan Rule’s sentence and that the team is still pursuing those selling class A drugs, and will bring those responsible to court.

Last year, on August 13, police saw Ryan Rule in Middlesbrough. He was inhaling nitrous oxide in a car, in a car park off Saltersgill Avenue. Rule lived on Brettenham Avenue.

Police spoke to Rule and found another nitrous oxide canister in the car’s boot. Rule then grabbed a wash bag from the boot and tried to run from police.

Officers struggled with Rule, who strongly resisted them. Rule would not let go of the snatched bag until police arrested him. The bag contained suspected cocaine, with a value of over £7,300.

Later, police charged Rule with possessing class A drugs with intent to supply. He was held in custody until Friday, February 28, when Teesside Crown Court sentenced Rule to three years in prison.

Sergeant John Sproson, who works with the Middlesbrough Proactive Team, commented on the sentence. He said he was happy with Ryan Rule’s sentence and that the team is still pursuing those selling class A drugs, and will bring those responsible to court.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/24979155.middlesbrough-man-jailed-found-bag-drugs/?ref=rss
Image Credits and Reference: https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/24979155.middlesbrough-man-jailed-found-bag-drugs/?ref=rss
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