New Albion Lodge apartments for those 55+ offer independent living with 24/7 support and updated shared facilities. Dame Harriet Baldwin is attending.

These homes help residents as their needs change. They offer independent living, with support available 24 hours a day. The apartments have one or two bedrooms, and they have views of Hanley Swan, a village near Malvern.
Shared spaces got updates too. A reception room has pool, and they made it fully accessible. A gym and exercise room are available, where Tai Chi classes will happen. A salon and treatment room also exist.
Albion Lodge residents can use all of this. The spaces should help people connect, and overall wellbeing will hopefully improve. They want a safe and supportive place.
The opening is at Albion Meadows and Lodge, starting with a ribbon cutting at 10:30 AM. Reverend Sue Adeney will bless the space. Tours of apartments and facilities follow.
Albion Lodge says this is a big event, marking 40 years in business. Andrew Darwent is the care manager. He says they planned this for years.
Darwent feels excited about the opening. The facilities will help the community. Residents helped plan these spaces, and they treat residents like family. Everyone should feel at home there.