Olympian Leon Reid Visits Salisbury Charity for Care Day

Olympic athlete Leon Reid visited Salisbury to mark Care Day, sharing his story and presenting awards.

Olympian Leon Reid Visits Salisbury Charity for Care Day
Olympian Leon Reid Visits Salisbury Charity for Care Day

An athlete visited Five Rivers Child Care for Care Day. He grew up in foster care himself. Five Rivers helps vulnerable kids, as they offer foster care plus education.

Leon presented achievement awards to children. He stays in touch with former foster families because he knows carers are vital to kids. He spoke about his life and challenges.

Leon said his sports journey was hard. GoFundMe and charities helped him a lot. He needed to work hard at all times, and his coach was very supportive to him.

Kids received awards after Leon’s talk. They got awards for school, sports, and arts involvement which got recognition too. Volunteering also earned them awards.

Kids made Care Day art. They shared their biggest wins. They thanked carers and social workers and gave them surprise certificates.

Kids ran around with Leon despite rain. Sports helped Leon deal with stress, though adapting to new schools was hard for him. Sport helped him make friends too, but moving around made friendships hard.

He wants to help people improve and sees no excuse for failure. Care Day celebrates young people with care experience. People in care gather to support each other. They raise awareness and have fun.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.salisburyjournal.co.uk/news/25004296.olympic-athlete-leon-reid-visits-salisbury-care-day/?ref=rss
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