Police and Taunton Businesses Unite to Combat Town Crime Concerns

Police met with Taunton businesses addressing crime concerns and outlining collaborative solutions to ensure a safer environment.

Police and Taunton Businesses Unite to Combat Town Crime Concerns
Police and Taunton Businesses Unite to Combat Town Crime Concerns

A “Safer Streets Taunton” meeting happened last week at Mr Miles Tearooms, organized by the Chamber of Commerce. Businesses voiced worries about crime in the town.

Colin Barrell, who owns Mr Miles Tearooms, hosted the meeting. He stressed a need for everyone to work together to ensure visitors and businesses feel welcome.

Clare Moody, the Regional Police and Crime Commissioner, and police personnel attended. Gideon Amos joined virtually from Westminster, expressing his support for town initiatives.

They discussed challenges for businesses and the importance of improving talks and solutions. Police talked about their work on youth crime and addressed holiday season crime.

Lisa Simpson, the Police Commander for Somerset, said they shared details of what police teams are doing to tackle Taunton’s crime and bad behavior. Police need better crime reporting and good CCTV submissions.

Police faced challenges in 2024 with limited resources but increased demand, aiming for everyone to feel safe. The police work is vital for trust.

Bev Fernandes, who chairs Community and Place at the Council, thanked the Chamber and police. She mentioned that the council funds UKPAC membership for businesses to securely report crimes and invests in CCTV and a Street Marshall.

Nick Barber became Taunton’s first street marshal in August 2024. He patrols to deter criminals and logs incidents on a database to help find crime trends.

Richard Holt, who leads the Chamber of Commerce, appreciated the meeting’s insights. He said reporting all antisocial behavior is key to helping police use resources effectively.

Richard liked the UKPAC plan and thanked businesses for their positive involvement. Everyone is devoted to a safe Taunton, and the Chamber will keep helping talks and supporting business and community projects.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.somersetcountygazette.co.uk/news/24980392.police-meet-taunton-businesses-tackle-crime-town/?ref=rss
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