Possible Lynx Sighting Reported Near Newton Stewart, Scotland

Report claims a wildcat was spotted near Newton Stewart. Police are investigating the sighting.

Possible Lynx Sighting Reported Near Newton Stewart, Scotland
Possible Lynx Sighting Reported Near Newton Stewart, Scotland

Someone saw a wildcat near Newton Stewart around noon on February 26. Police learned about it two days later and are checking out what happened fully.

Did you see a lynx there? If so, police want you to call them using the emergency services to report it. It helps them learn more details.

Police know someone possibly saw a lynx near Newton Stewart woodland around noon on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. People told the police about it on Friday, February 28, and officers are working with others to find out more.

If you see one, do not get close. Instead, contact Police Scotland by calling 101 and mention incident 0972 from February 28.

Before that, four lynx were let loose in the Highlands illegally in January, in two separate events.

Staff from the Royal Zoological Society caught them and moved them to Edinburgh Zoo, hoping to locate a fresh home for the creatures. Sadly, one lynx died soon after reaching Edinburgh.

After the releases, the government changed course. John Swinney stopped backing legal lynx releases and other large carnivores being released in Scotland.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.thenational.scot/news/24980924.potential-lynx-spotted-south-scotland/?ref=rss
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