Possible Panther Spotted in Powys Field Alarms Local Residents

Residents near Crew Green report a large, cat-like animal sighting. Initial reports suggest it could be a panther.

Possible Panther Spotted in Powys Field Alarms Local Residents
Possible Panther Spotted in Powys Field Alarms Local Residents

Someone saw an animal in a field. This happened near Crew Green at Bausley Hill. People think it might be a panther, suggesting a “big cat” roams the area.

Bethany Jones, who lives there, saw the animal and was shocked. It was in a private field, and she quickly took a photo before it disappeared.

She walked into her living room and saw something running. At first, she thought it was a dog, but its size worried her, especially as sheep were in that field at the time.

Looking closer, it seemed more like a cat, but a very large one. She couldn’t believe it was a regular house cat, as she saw it from across the field. She only snapped a quick photo before it jumped the fence and disappeared right away. She felt shocked by its big size.

The field is very private, and random people rarely walk there. Livestock are usually in the field, so seeing anything at all surprised her, even more so something big.

They went outside later and found a footprint. Her daughter saw the print first and they photographed it. She showed the photo to a farmer friend who said the print was too big to be a house cat.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.bordercountiesadvertizer.co.uk/news/24990237.animal-spotted-powys-field-called-panther-residents/?ref=rss
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