South Kesteven to Build Homes on Market Deeping Green Space

Council plans eleven affordable rentals on “poor” green space near Northfields Industrial Estate. Concerns raised and revised.

South Kesteven to Build Homes on Market Deeping Green Space
South Kesteven to Build Homes on Market Deeping Green Space

The council plans to build homes. This might mean losing some green space. The location is in Market Deeping, specifically between Wellington Way and Peacock Square. This area is part of Northfields Industrial Estate.

South Kesteven District Council wants to build eleven homes. The council considers the green space “poor,” though the area covers about 0.7 acres and is considered “important open land” in a plan. New homes, says the council, could improve the area.

The homes will be rented affordably. They include one and two-bedroom apartments, as well as two-bedroom houses. Planners approved the idea in 2021, seeing Market Deeping as a place for growth.

The council shared plans with residents last summer. The original plan had fourteen homes, raising concerns about losing green space. Parking for the Scouts and Guides and access to local shops were also worries.

The council changed the plans by removing three bungalows and reinstating parking for the users. They also added a footpath to Northfields.

South Kesteven District Council makes the final decision. A committee involved will not decide; they will consider it like any other plan. The council also plans homes on Kesteven Road, a plan that will also reduce green space.

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