Spennymoor: Council to Approve 299 New Homes at Whitworth Park

Plans for 299 homes near Spennymoor’s Whitworth Park estate are likely to be approved by the council on March 5th.

Spennymoor: Council to Approve 299 New Homes at Whitworth Park
Spennymoor: Council to Approve 299 New Homes at Whitworth Park

Barratt Homes wants to build more homes. They plan to expand the Whitworth Park estate in County Durham, near Spennymoor, and add 299 houses.

The new site is north of Burton Woods, a housing development on Spennymoor’s northwestern edge. The plan incorporates different sizes of homes.

The design features 56 two-bedroom bungalows, along with 22 two-bedroom houses. The plan further includes 126 three-bedroom houses and 95 four-bedroom houses.

Livin Homes would manage many of the homes, with up to 155 designated as affordable. Thirty homes would be for affordable ownership, and fifteen would be affordable rentals.

The council planning committee will meet on March 5th to discuss this proposal, and approval is a likely outcome.

The applicant states they build good houses. This expansion is a logical next step, connecting to the existing Burton Woods area and providing more family housing and space.

They understand housing matters to everyone. This plan helps address the housing demand in Spennymoor and County Durham.

The location offers good access to Spennymoor, enhancing access to amenities for residents and benefiting the economy. Open space, play areas, and fitness opportunities are also included.

However, the plan faces some opposition. Fifty-five objections were submitted, raising concerns about potential strain on schools, doctors, leisure facilities, and emergency services.

One concern involves trash pickup, as some residents might have to drag bins over long distances. Spennymoor Town Council also objects, believing it will harm green spaces and that increased traffic could negatively affect town facilities, stating the town lacks infrastructure.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/24971599.plans-299-spennymoor-homes-set-approval-council/?ref=rss
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