Suffolk Council Considers 58 New Retirement Apartments in Felixstowe

East Suffolk Council reviews plans for 58 retirement apartments at a former Royal British Legion site in Felixstowe.

Suffolk Council Considers 58 New Retirement Apartments in Felixstowe
Suffolk Council Considers 58 New Retirement Apartments in Felixstowe

Council members will talk about some new apartments. The apartments are for older people in Felixstowe. Churchill Retirement Living wants to build them at 39 Mill Lane. The meeting takes place Tuesday.

The Royal British Legion used to be there. That building got torn down in 2019. Now, there’s a plan for housing aimed at helping older adults live well independently. It might help the NHS save money.

The developers think the NHS could save £264,000. They also think locals can spend £449,000 nearby. To buy, people must be at least sixty, but spouses can be at least fifty-five years old.

Some people don’t like the apartment plan, including Felixstowe Town Council, which objects. Fifteen letters also raised objections with some people writing more than once.

Parking and traffic are big worries, as are past accidents. However, the highways department doesn’t mind the plan. Planners think effects are small and can be solved with conditions; they said to approve the new apartments.

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