Swindon Buses Test New Fleming Way Route After Redevelopment Work

Buses are now testing the new Fleming Way route in Swindon, marking significant progress in the £33 million project.

Swindon Buses Test New Fleming Way Route After Redevelopment Work
Swindon Buses Test New Fleming Way Route After Redevelopment Work

The Fleming Way project began in 2022. It costs £33 million, and the new completion date is summer 2025, which is later than the original plan.

Swindon residents now see progress as a pedestrian walkway reopened in December 2023, and buses are testing the new route. Swindon Bus Company and Stagecoach tested the southern road to check the bus shelter locations and crossing points.

The project includes 181 trees, and workers are planting 23,000 plants. Councillors claim the area will improve and help local wildlife, making the walk to the stations nicer.

A council spokesperson spoke about Fleming Way, noting that bus companies tested the road layout on the southern part. The project will improve the town center with an improved area that will have a bus interchange and include a green corridor.

Bus operators provided positive feedback and the road should open this summer. Stagecoach’s director, Chris Hanson, spoke about the old station and said it discourages visitors, noting the project will make a difference.

The Fleming Way opening is exciting, as it has been a long time coming. The sooner it opens, the better because the current station hurts Swindon and needs to be demolished.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/24992428.fleming-way-project-buses-take-new-road-swindon/?ref=rss
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